Be active and have fun with 12Bursts. The 12Bursts program encourages your children to achieve 60-minutes of daily recommended physical activity through 12 activity “bursts” of five minutes each.

Stack your bursts or mix or match in whatever way best fits your schedule to complete each day’s Daily Dozen challenge. No two days are the same as the challenge resets to encourage a variety of activities and maximize the fun!

Let’s Get Moving!


What is 12Bursts?

12Bursts is a program developed by the YMCA’s partner organization, CycleHealth, who are experts at creating engaging and inclusive challenges for kids. The program is a new way for kids and families to be active right from home. No special skills or equipment needed!

Who can access 12Bursts?

12Bursts is open to anyone with an internet-connected desktop, laptop, or mobile device. You do not need to be affiliated with the YMCA or CycleHealth to participate.

What does the 12 mean, and what’s a Burst?

Doctors recommend 60 minutes of physical activity a day for all of us! 12Bursts breaks that activity up into 5-minute ‘Bursts’ of heart-pumping fun. Bursts can be a great way to break up homeschooling classes and encourage a healthy routine.

How does the 12Bursts Challenge work?

Visit each morning for the day’s Daily Dozen. The Daily Dozen is a list of 12 5-minute burst activities that changes each day. Track your progress by checking off each Burst as you complete it. Once all 12 bursts are completed, that day’s challenge has been won! See how many days in a row you can complete the Daily Dozen. And watch for new challenges that will be coming soon!

Why isn’t my progress being tracked?

Because there is no login required, your daily progress is tracked via cookies. You must enable these cookies in order for the tracking feature to properly work. We do not distribute any data recorded from these cookies. Please review our Privacy Policy [link to privacy policy] for additional information.

We also recommend you track your progress using the same consistent device to ensure all progress is recorded. Additionally, you can have each child track their individual progress using their own unique mobile or desktop device.

What if I’m doing other regular exercises?

That’s great! Everything you do count toward good health. If you have a routine that includes hiking, running or maybe an online yoga class, factor that into your day and decide how many bursts are right for you.

How can we make it social?

Take photos or videos of your family doing a Burst, and share with us on social media using the hashtag #12Bursts. Encourage your friends to do it too to maximize the fun! We all need affirmation to keep us motivated.

Is 12Bursts only for physical fitness?

At this time, the 12Bursts concept focuses on helping kids and families reach their daily physician-recommended 60 minutes of physical activity. Challenges around mindfulness, to promote mental wellness, are also interwoven in the program.

Watch for challenges about nutrition acts of service to be added soon!