So often we stand in our own way, and let our thoughts and emotions drown out our inner voice of wisdom and intent.

Rushing around a busy life can often lead us feeling tired, burnt out, over-extended… you get the drift. Now, more than ever, it is so critical that we set aside time to fill our cup, clear our mind, and re-focus on our goals – big and small.

Easier said than done, right? We have put together two quick challenges you can do. In your home, in the car, in the grocery store line – you name it! These two activities are intended to help get you started on the larger path of intention setting in your mindfulness journey.

Mindful Activity Challenges:

Set a goal.

Try being productive and accomplishing even a small goal.

Some of the smallest tasks can seem overwhelming when you don’t feel like getting out of bed, but productivity can lead to positivity! Choose a family goal that you can accomplish together like cleaning out the garage, or accomplishing a home project task, or maybe it is choosing an activity or healthy eating goal for the week. Have some fun and write down ideas and then choose as a family.

Post it on the fridge, set your intent, and work together to achieve your goal.

Take a breath.

We recommend starting small with a Mindful Minute Meditation.

Set a timer for 1, 5, 10 minutes, you choose what feels like a comfortable place to start.

Sit alone, or with any/all members of the family. It helps if you already chose your goal, but if you haven’t – this meditation will help clear your mind and give you some space to choose.

Allow yourself to breathe normally, and when thoughts come, imagine they float away like clouds in the sky, or balloons or bubbles floating up and away.

As you allow the thoughts to drift away, you will give space for your mind to rest in pure awareness. It is within these times that we are able to find clarity when it comes to setting intentions and goals. It is not about starting your To-Do list while you sit in silence, rather allow yourself the unusual calm in the craze of life to feel into your heart and inner self to direct you.

This can be challenging to do on your own, so check out the Calm App to help with guidance!

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